GO Ministries welcomes Beechland Baptist Church back to Santiago! They will be encouraging ministry partner Generoso Felix and his family, helping them with a construction project, leading children's ministry, and feeding children at the Nutrition Centers. Bienvenidos, Beechland!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Louisville Slugger Warriors
GO Ministries welcomes Louisville Slugger Warriors to Santiago! They will be feeding kids at the Nutrition Centers, helping with construction projects, and playing baseball against the GO Academy and several other academies across the island. Bienvenidos, Louisville Slugger Warriors!!
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Crestwood Baptist Church 2014
GO Welcomes back Crestwood Baptist Church for a week of partnership in ministry on the island. They will be working in Santa Lucia (La Mosca), where they partner with the Nutrition Center there, and working alongside of pastor Luis Vargas leading a vision clinic at the local school, leading children's ministry, feeding the children in the Nutrition Center, and leading a bread walk throughout the community along with hosting a dinner for all GO local leaders in conjunction with leading a seminar about the five love languages. Bienvenidos, Crestwood!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Eastview Christian Church 2014
GO welcomes Eastview Christian Church to the island! Eastview will be empowering ministry partner, Pastor Eduard Gabriel, this week along with helping continue construction of the GO Medical Center and loving kids through children's ministry and helping at the Nutrition Centers. Bienvenidos, Eastview!
Eastview Christian Church 2014 from G.O. Ministries on Vimeo.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Great Expectations 2014
GO Ministries welcomes Great Expectations to the island! Bienvenidos!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Northside Christian Church 2014
GO Ministries welcomes Northside Christian Church to the island. Northside will be building relationships with the Central Church youth group, helping build the second phase of the GO Medical Clinic, encouraging kids through children's ministry, and working with the kids in Sports Ministry. Bienvenidos, Northside!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
North Point Church 2014
North Point Church 2014 from G.O. Ministries on Vimeo.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Nidea Medical Team 2014
The Nidea Medical team arrived safely to Santiago last night! The team will be working closely with other teams this week by helping out in medical clinics and sharing God's love to the members of various communities in Santiago. Bienvenidos, Nidea team!
Parkview Christian Church
The team from Parkview Christian Church landed safely in Santiago last night! Parkview will be busy this week working on the construction of the second level of our Central Church, and loving on children in the community of Los Salados through a day of fun, games, and sharing the Gospel. Bienvenidos, Parkview!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Reunion Christian Church 2014
The team from Reunion Christian Church in Boston landed safely in Santiago! Reunion will be leading medical clinics in the communities of Canca la Reyna, Santa LucĂa and for the Santiago Police Department, as well as painting houses and loving on children in the community of Santa LucĂa. We have a great week ahead of us! Bienvenidos, Reunion!
Tennessee Technological University 2014
The team from Tennessee Technological University has arrived safely to Santiago! Tennessee will be working with our GO Sports ministry by working with our basketball academy and participating in various basketball games. Bienvenidos, Tennessee Technological University!
Young Life Louisville KY 2014
GO welcomes the Young Life team from Louisville, KY to the island! The team will be helping out this week, doing medical clinics for the Santiago Police Department and in the community of Canca la Reyna. Bienvenidos, Young Life!
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Woodview Christian Church 2014
Woodview Christian Church 2014 from G.O. Ministries on Vimeo.
Sports for the Nations 2014
The Ridge Community Church 2014
GO welcomes back The Ridge Community Church to the Dominican Republic. The Ridge team will be helping build the second floor of the GO Medical Center that they partner with, and will be serving in the community of Hoya de Bartola with their ministry partner, Felix Abreu. Bienvenidos, Ridge Community Church!
Indiana Wesleyan University 2014
The team from Indiana Wesleyan University arrived safely in Santiago. IWU will be helping with construction at the site of the Leadership Development Complex, participating in sports outreach and leading children's ministry in various communities. Bienvenidos, Indiana Wesleyan University!
Indiana Wesleyan University 2014 from G.O. Ministries on Vimeo.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Kenwood Heights Christian Church 2014
Kenwood Heights Christian Church has arrived safely to the island. They will be working at the construction site of our Leadership Development Complex and leading childrens' ministry in various locations throughout the week. Bienvenidos, Kenwood Heights!
First Christian Church Champaign 2014
The First Christian Church of Champaign, IL has arrived safely to Santiago! The team will be working with local leader Enelsido Mendez helping build a basketball court for the community of Hato del Yaque, and leading children's ministry in various locations throughout the week. Bienvenidos, First Christian!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
First Christian Church Clinton 2014
First Christian Church Clinton has arrived in Santiago! First Christian will be working on the GO Medical Clinic, feeding kids at the Nutrition Center, and spending time with the youth at the annual Cristo Urbano youth conference. Bienvenidos, First Christian!
Northeast Christian Church 2014
GO Ministries welcomes back Northeast Christian Church to the island! Northeast has partnered with GO for 10 years and will spend their week encouraging ministry partners in Los Guandules, Rafelito and Kennedy, through community projects, feeding the kids at the Nutrition Center and children’s ministry. They will also travel to Phaeton, Haiti to encourage ministry partners, Lucner and Lucan. Bienvenidos, Northeast!
River Valley Church 2014
GO Ministries welcomes River Valley Church to the Dominican! River Valley will be empowering their partnering church community, Hato del Yaque, by leading a medical clinic, feeding kids at the Nutrition Center, leading a field day and working on the construction of a basketball court. Bienvenidos, River Valley!
Graceland Baptist Church 2014
Graceland Baptist Church has arrived on the island! Graceland will be working in their partnering community of San Marc leading a medical clinic, painting a school, feeding the kids at the Nutrition Center, leading children’s ministries, and several other projects of love! Bienvenidos, Graceland!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Christian Church of Clarendon Hills 2014
The Christian Church of Clarendon Hills has arrived in the Dominican! Clarendon Hills is one of GO Ministries’ longest partners partnering with Pastor William Decena and his ministry in Batey 9 for nearly 15 years! The team will be helping with a construction project in neighboring Batey Cuchilla, leading children’s ministry in both bateys, and encouraging Pastor William and Alexandra in their time there. Bienvenidos, Clarendon Hills!
Morgantown Community Church 2014
GO Ministries welcomes Morgantown Community Church on their return to the Dominican! Morgantown will be spending their week encouraging their partnering local leader, Romano, through community projects in Canca de la Reina, children’s ministry, evangelism, and empowering Romano’s soccer ministry by cheering on Team Uno in their game followed by a pizza party. Bienvenidos, Team Morgantown!
South Hills Church Community 2014
GO Ministries welcomes South Hills Church Community back to the Dominican Republic! South Hills will be working with their partnering church and local leader, Elvis Batista, in Los Salados and missionaries Alan and Jackie Perez helping with a construction project at the church, loving on the children through children’s ministry, and encouraging Pastor Elvis. Bienvenidos, South Hills!
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Lindsey Wilson College 2014
The Lindsey Wilson College team has arrived in Santiago! The team will be helping paint the school for the upcoming school year, feed children at the Nutrition Centers, and love on children by leading eight children’s ministries in eight different communities. Bienvenidos, Lindsey Wilson College!
Lincoln Christian Church 2014
Lincoln Christian Church arrived safely on the island late last night! Team members will be helping work on the construction of the temporary baseball fields at the Leadership Development Complex as well as leading children’s ministry and feeding kids at the Nutrition Centers this week. Bienvenidos, Lincoln Christian!
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Revolution Church 2014
GO welcomes the team from Revolution Church to Santiago! Revolution will be helping with construction of the GO Medical Center , loving on children and empowering their partner Rafael Torres in Hoya del Bartola through children’s ministry, movie night and helping feed the kids at the Nutrition Center. Bienvenidos, Revolution!
University of Pikeville College of Osteopathic Medicine 2014
GO welcomes University of Pikeville College of Osteopathic Medicine to the Dominican! The President, faculty and students will be leading a medical clinic in Batey 9 and Batey Cuchillo along with helping with construction projects, offering a special medical clinic for the sugarcane workers and loving on the children there through the Nutrition Center. Bienvenidos, Pikeville KYCOM!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Immanuel United Methodist Church 2014
GO Ministries welcomes Immanuel UMC to the Dominican! Immanuel will be helping with construction of the new GO Medical Center as well as leading field days, children’s ministry, and feeding children at multiple Nutrition Centers and encouraging local leaders. Bienvenidos, Immanuel UMC!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
First Christian Church of Ft. Myers 2014
GO Ministries welcomes First Christian Church of Ft. Myers to the Dominican! FCC will be serving in their partnering community of Hato del Yaque this week helping with construction, children’s ministry, the Nutrition Center, and leading a medical clinic.
Bienvenidos, First Christian Church of Ft. Myers!
First United Church of Gridley, IL 2014
First United Church from Gridley, IL has arrived in Santiago! The team will be helping paint the school Colegio Evangelico Isaias Immanuel, visit the GO Seminary of the Americas they actively support, and encourage children through children’s ministry and Nutrition Centers. Bienvenidos, First United Church!
Sanctuary Church 2014
Sanctuary Church has arrived in the Dominican! The Sanctuary team will be helping on the GO Leadership Development Complex Land and leading children’s ministry and feeding kids at GO Nutrition Centers. Bienvenidos, Sanctuary Church!
Cross Point Church 2014
GO Ministries welcomes back Cross Point Church to the island! Cross Point celebrates 10 years of partnership in ministry with local leader Pastor Moises Jean this week! The team will be loving on the kids in Brisas de Ocampo through children’s ministry, field days, and feeding kids at the Nutrition Center along with helping at the land for the GO Leadership Development Complex. Bienvenidos, Cross Point and thank you for 10 sweet years of Partnership in Ministry!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Bellarmine University 2014
GO Ministries welcomes back Bellarmine University to the Dominican Republic! Bellarmine will be helping do medical assessments on children in our Nutrition Centers as well as teaching classes. Bienvenidos, Bellarmine!
First Christian Church Springfield 2014
GO Ministries welcomes First Christian Church Springfield to the island! FCC will be helping lead GO Basketball and Volleyball camps and a Dental Clinic. Bienvenidos, FCC Springfield!
GO Basketball 2014
GO Ministries welcomes back the GO Basketball team! The team will be helping lead the annual GO Basketball and Volleyball camps this year in Hoya del Caimito. Bienvenidos, GO Basketball!
The Avenue Church 2014
GO Ministries welcomes back The Avenue Church! The Avenue will be working alongside of their ministry partner, Nico Gracesqui, through children’s ministry in Los Perez, leading a Dental Clinic in Hoya del Caimito, and helping lead the annual GO Basketball Camp. Bienvenidos, Avenue Church!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Fortville Christian Church 2014
GO Ministries welcomes Fortville Christian Church to the island. Fortville will be working in Pata de Gallina with their ministry partner Pastor Gregorio Tomas painting homes in the community, doing children’s ministry, and encouraging Gregorio and his church. Bienvenidos, Fortville!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
St. Luke's United Methodist Church 2014
GO Ministries welcomes the second part of the St. Luke’s United Methodist Church team to the Dominican Republic. Bienvenidos, St. Luke’s!
St. Luke's United Methodist Church 2014
The first part of the St. Luke’s United Methodist Church team arrived in the Dominican. St. Luke’s youth will be leading sports camps, children’s ministry and construction of the GO Medical Clinic while the adult team will be leading medical clinics and feeding children in our Nutrition Centers. Bienvenidos, St. Luke’s!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
AIA College Baseball Team 2014
The AIA college baseball group worked together with members of the elite Dominican Prospect League at the site of our Leadership Development Complex spreading the first level of sand for our 2 temporary fields!
Gracias, AIA College Baseball!AIA Baseball 2014 from G.O. Ministries on Vimeo.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Windsor Road Christian Church 2014
GO welcomes Windsor Road Christian Church back to the island! They will be helping with construction in Hato del Yaque, loving kids through children's ministry and feeding kids at the Nutrition Center and encouraging their ministry partner, Pastor Fabio Lopez. Bienvenidos, Windsor Road!
Meadowbrook Community Church 2014
Meadowbrook Community Church arrived in the Dominican this afternoon. They will be leading Eye Clinics, Children's Ministries, and feeding children at the GO Nutrition Centers in Batey 9 and Batey Cuchillo this week. Bienvenidos, Meadowbrook!
Washington Christian Church 2014
Washington Christian Church arrived this afternoon in the Dominican! We are looking forward to a great week of partnership with Rene Rodriguez, construction of the GO Medical Clinic, children's ministry, and a special dinner prepared by the team for GO local leaders! Bienvenidos, Washington Christian!
Glen Ellyn Bible Church 2014
The Glen Ellyn Bible Church Team landed safely in Santiago, Dominican Republic tonight!
We are looking forward to a great week of service and outreach while working alongside our GO local leaders in Cinco! Bienvenidos, Glen Ellyn Bible!
Current Christian Church 2014
Current, A Christian Church arrived in the Dominican this evening! Current will be helping build a new classroom for the GO Seminary of the Americas, leading Children's Ministry, feeding children at the Nutrition Center, loving on kids in Phaeton, Haiti during a field day and encouraging Local Leaders Eduard Gabriel and Jose Luis Meléndez. Bienvenidos, Current!
Pathways United Methodist Church 2014
GO Ministries welcomes the Pathways United Methodist Church team to the Dominican tonight! Pathways will be encouraging local leader Kerlyn Pena this week along with helping build the GO Medical Center, feeding children at the Nutrition Center, and children's ministry. Bienvenidos, Pathways!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Hato del Yaque Volleyball Team 2014
The Hato del Yaque Volleyball team arrived safely from Louisville, KY this afternoon and are getting settled into their dorms. We are looking forward to a great week of ministry and outreach while working alongside our GO local leaders in Hato del Yaque! Welcome, Team Volleyball!
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